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Finding a place to eat

Well, the first thing about eating in Novosibirsk is that there is huge choice where to go. We have no time or desire to write about ALL the restaurants and canteens of Novosibirsk, but instead we will give you a good description of place which we like or at least find decent. Especially I would like to note - this is not sponsored list. (The list is growing as we discover other good places)


Il-Patio (used to be Patio-pizza)
Well, though the name suggests something Italian, it is a good reminder that Italian food is not only pizza, their menu is quite wide and includes many tasteful dishes of all sorts. As for quality, it is very good (and as for pizza - it is best in town), and the price tag is not very heavy. Good dinner for one is about 700 Roubles (23 bucks) not including alcohol. And not to mention the location – right in the heart of the city. Tel 222-12-87, 222-18-46. Located at Krasny prospect, 29.


Located at Sovetskaya, 5, it is a great steakhouse. The interesting bit is that it is Russian-owned chain, but American themed, so it is kinda interesting how Russians view America. But anyway, these are probably the best steaks in town. Tel. 289-25-25.


Great Mexican-themed restaraint with fantastic good food, and they serve quite fast. Average dinner is about 1000 Roubles per person not including drinks.Tel. 210-34-20. Located at Oktyabrskaya magistral, 49.



Tiflis is the old name of Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia (not that Georgia, the state in US, but the Georgia in Caucasus mountains). So, what do you guess - it is restaurant of Georgian food and drinks. Well, drinks are almost all wines, though so many of them that fits everyone's taste - but the food is of amazing variety, very well cooked. Located on Sovetskaya str, 65. Tel. 222-81-81.



Block No5

Another great place - it is styled in the way of XIX century or about it, they have two halls, black and white. Black hall specifically provides great sense of isolation because it is aligned in the way that each table is entirely separated from the others, so you could do some business like checking emails or typing your stuff there without people looking over the shoulder. Food is great and not so expensive. Located at Sovetskaya, 20. Tel. 223-16-63.

That’s the chain of coffee-shops, quality is great, and they offer some snacks, the drawback is that on evenings it is packed full so you’ll have problems finding a table for yourself. Located at Lenina, 8; Vokzalnaya Magistral, 16; Zalesskogo, 4.

Traveller's Coffee

That's another good chain of coffee-shops with so many locations it is difficult to list them all. Good coffee, food is ok, reasonable price.


And another chain of coffee-shops. All the same applies.

Fast-foods & Canteens

Located in the very centre of the city it is a great canteen with real (no fastfood) food but serving very fast. Lunch for one is about 150 Roubles (6 dollars). Located at Lenina, 1.

China Town

This is Chinese food in fastfood format. Very tasty but kind of more expensive than the other fastfoods around. If you don't mind throwing out extra buck for your fastfood lunch, get to Vokzalnaya Magistral, 16.

It is a typical fast-food with chicken-stuff domination (but those are actually the worst things in the menu – if you do go there try to avoid anything chicken’s). Also, this is a good place to come with kids, at least they have some playing room in there, so you might expect that there are many screaming little fellas around. Located Krasniy prospect, 29.



Whatever you do, don’t visit Allegro food chain – the food is schitt in most cases, the service is promptly absent and the personnel will take their chances to cheat on you with the change.

Another terrible place is the St Patrick's corner on the intersection of Lenina and Sovietskaya str. Food is ok, but the service is killed by the good location of the place - they're in the great place so getting people in is not a problem, so staff never cares, and you can wait for your waitress or order for ages. After it took them 20 minutes to poor a pint of Guinness, we just gave up for them.


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Top news
Yes! McDonald's finally opened in Novoibirsk, or to be specific in the food court of the Aura shopping mall. Ok, that's crappy food all right, but we truly welcome them mostly because of the 'famed' influence of McD on the investment attraction to the region - this is sorta common factor - if McD is fine to do business here, then it should be fine for most of Western Business.
Just in case you use Facebook - there is a great page there - Natasha from Russia. You will love it in the instant!
One of the Nsk curses is that it is fairly away from Gorny Altay which is perfect tourist's place. A lot of nature, forests, mountains and mountain rivers. Getting there by car is 7-8 hours driving. Now it is also available by air. The small aircrafts with capacity of 19 passengers are flying to Gorno-altaysk, the capital of Gorny Altay, twice a week, making the trip like 1 hour endeavour.


Tiflis - the Georgian restaurant in the middle of the city.
This is the place where all Russian-Georgian tensions would go away if our leader ever met there. Located at the corner of Sovetskaya and Frunze, this is a fantastic island of Georgian food and culture.
Remember two words - hachapuri (this is bread covered with cheese - absolutely fantastic to go with red wine, and they have plenty), and khinkali - like Russian pelmeni, but much bigger and with different taste, they're must-try if first time there.